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Sport lights up Farleigh

Despite the extraordinarily temperamental weather, Farleigh pupils have ignited the sports pitches with their determination and pure delight in being ...

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Rain doesn’t stop play!

It has been a wonderful first week back as the children reunited with their friends after a long summer apart ...

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Summer Works

There has, as ever, been a great deal of work going on behind the scenes at Farleigh this summer. In ...

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Farleigh appoints Mr Jesse Coulson as Director of Sport

We are delighted to announce the appointment Mr Jesse Coulson as Director of Sport & Head of Boys' Games. Mr ...

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Farleigh Retreat Days

These days are a special time for all our pupils to stop, think and reflect on their lives, and the ...

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Pre-Prep Grandparents’ Afternoon Tea & Concert

On Friday 28th June, Pre-Prep pupils welcomed grandparents, parents, godparents and friends to an afternoon tea and concert. Close to 300 ...

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