Best Buddies!

Great excitement filled the school as the entire school, from Reception to Year 8, met up for this year's Collective Worship at which they were matched with a younger or older 'buddy'. An array of brightly-coloured butterflies were produced amidst a great deal of chatter, laughter and smiles. This year, the children are going to be like butterflies, spreading joy and love by the way they think, act and speak!

Farleigh children always enjoy making friends with their buddies and look forward to forging a deeper relationship as the year goes on. Promises to meet up and say hello when they see each other around school or in the playground are warmly shared and genuinely made. Past experience shows that the children keep this promise and look out for each other and find an opportunity to catch up and share their news.

Liz Redmond

The first Buddy assembly of the academic year is always greatly anticipated by the Pre-Prep children. The chance to meet a new friend, the recognition of an older sibling's friend and the feeling of knowing some bigger boys and girls from the Prep School, is always reassuring to our youngest pupils.

The relationship between the buddies strengthens as the year progresses, and from the instant that the pupils are paired up the new friendship blossoms. Often the older pupils will come and play in the Pre-Prep playground with their young friends at playtime or lunchtime.

For a Year 8 or Year 6, being a buddy is a great opportunity to be a role model, to hone conversational skills and to be a 'big brother or sister' to someone so much smaller, who will listen, smile and always welcome the attention. In addition, being a buddy really strengthens the ethos of Farleigh School. Being one, big, friendly family and having a familiar face to wave to around school, is priceless in building the foundations for all the pupils to feel happy and secure throughout their time at Farleigh.

Sue Wilton