Mass Music

The unsung (excuse the pun!) heroes of music at Farleigh must be the Chapel Choir, whose performances are often not heard by the wider school community. An auditioned choir comprising 28 singers from Year 5 to 8, their raison d’être is to provide a choral accompaniment to the school’s Chapel services. At major events such as the Carol Service they come very much to the fore, but their work goes deeper than that, and their contribution to school life involves a substantial commitment on their part. It is for that reason that members of the choir enjoyed a trip to the New Forest Aqua Park just before half-term, having sung at the school’s biennial Confirmation service.

Similarly, having sung at First Holy Communion just after half-term, their efforts were rewarded with a delicious barbecue and an opportunity to entertain their parents with a selection of the favourite anthems and motets which they have performed this year. The choir chose twelve pieces in total, with works by composers ranging from Benjamin Britten to John Rutter and many more composers in between. This is serious repertoire which can be heard in any one of our great medieval cathedrals daily, and it’s both an honour and a privilege to share it with the Farleigh community. Whilst it’s hard work, there is no denying the benefits that come with membership of the Chapel Choir and the standard they are expected to maintain. Perhaps that’s why the scholarship rate amongst members is consistently high!

The Year 8s (some of whom are in their fourth year in the choir) who are leaving will sing at their Leavers’ Mass as the year draws to a close, handing the baton onto the current Year 7s who will assume their role in leading the choir next year, and on it goes from year to year. For the rest of the choir, their favourite moment awaits: the opportunity to sing something secular at the Summer Soirée. They’ve learned the piece in just two rehearsals, and they are eagerly awaiting their moment to shine under The Pringle.

Marcus Reeves, Director of Music