Sports Day Round-Up 2020

Having resigned ourselves to the fact that we would be holding a remote Sports Day this year, we have been delighted to be able to run a live programme in school for all years from Kindergarten to Year 8. Although not following the same format as most years, and missing the usual uplifting crowd and parental support, the pupils have still embraced the opportunity, producing some outstanding performances across the different disciplines.

In Kindergarten, the children took part in some races, obstacle course challenges, and egg and spoon race. In Reception, Years 1 and 2, all pupils took part in a 30m sprint, a 200m run, a standing long jump, an egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and a welly throw.

In Years 3-6, all groups took part in a quad kids athletics sports day programme, running the 75m and 600m, vortex throw and standing long jump competing against their own group for overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions.

In Years 7 and 8, they each had a Sports Day afternoon, where they worked within their bubbles, taking part in the 75m sprint, 200m and 800m, standing long jump, vortex throw and tug of war competition.

We have loved being able provide a Sports Day of sorts, but equally we look forward to next year when the children can compete properly against each other, with their parents able to watch and support!

Have a lovely summer. 

Alan Wright

RESULTS - please click here.

Note: The focus of the photographs here is on the Year 7 and 8 events but please login to Planet eStream for galleries of the Pre-Prep events (and the Whiteboard and your child's My School Portal photo feed, for links to Pre-Prep videos). Please see the Planet eStream box in the Whiteboard for details of how to log in.