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Last week, Year 3 were immersed into the Court of Nefertiti, when they experienced a day as an ancient Egyptian. Splendid costumes and royal company were the tone of the day, as each class rehearsed and performed a traditional Egyptian tale for the Queen, based on dance, drama and mime. Every child threw themselves into their role to give their spellbound audience an assortment of animated performances.

There was also the opportunity to take part in a number of crafts, which would have prepared the new god, Akhenaten, for the afterlife. These included; sculpting clay canopic jars and soap scarab beetles, plaiting bread, grinding and mixing perfume, painting decorative tiles, and designing jewellery and elaborate cartouches with hieroglyphics.

The day culminated in a feast presented to the King and Queen, and a display of the finery each child was wearing. A great way to make our Ancient Egyptian topic come alive!

Dedicated and interactive 'History Off the Page' days, like this, help the children to grasp their academic learnings in a fun and engaging environment. It truly makes for a fascinating day for all, and the children absolutely love them!

Abi Watkins, Head of Year 3