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Academic & Pastoral Staff

Fr Simon Everson, BA Leeds Collegiate, Cert. Theology (Oxon)
Headmaster, Chaplain, Religious Studies

Mrs Janet Watts, BEd (Hons)
Deputy Head (Academic)

Mr Benjamin Wood, BA (Hons) Business Management, MA, PGCE
Deputy Head (Organisation & Pastoral Oversight), Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mr Nicholas Allen, BA (Hons), PGCE
KS2 Teacher, Year 6 Form Taker

Mrs Jane Berry, BA (Oxon), PGCE, MA, ALCM
Head of History, Head of PSHE/RSE, Head of Enrichment, Year 7 Form Taker, Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Miss Samantha Bodsworth, BSc (Hons), QTS (Maternity Cover)

Mr Peter Brady, BEd (Hons)
Science, Head of Exams and Assessment

Miss Ailsa Burnett, BA (Hons), QTS
Year 3 Form Taker, Games

Mr Jake Carvell, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Maths Teacher, Games

Miss Olivia Conroy, BA (Hons), PGCE with Humanities
KS2 Teacher, Year 5 Form Taker, Games

Mr Jesse Coulson, BA (Hons), QTS, MSc
Director of Sport and Head of Boys' Games

Mrs Fiona Cunliffe, BA (Combined Hons), PGCE
French, Year 7 Form Taker

Mrs Louise Dean, BA (Hons), PGCE (Maternity Cover)
KS2 Teacher, Year 4 Form Taker, Games

Mrs Eleanor Dighton, BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of PE, Year 8 Form Taker, Games

Miss Harriet Dunn, BEd (Hons), QTS
Head of Year 5, Year 5 Form Taker, KS2 RS Coordinator, Games

Miss Jessica Ellison, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Year 7 Form Taker, PE and Games, Boarding Assistant

Mr Christopher English, BEd (Hons)
Pastoral Lead, Year 5 Form Taker, Games

Mr Thom Findlay, BA, QTS
Year 5 Form Taker, Games

Mr Alasdair Forbes, BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Year 8, KS2/KS3 Teacher, Games

Mr Simon Gough, BEd (Hons), QTS
PE & Games, Graduate and GAP Coordinator

Mr Graham Harrington, BEd (Hons)
KS2 Teacher, Year 3 Form Taker

Mr Kevin Hession, BA (Hons), QTS
Head of Drama, Assistant House Parent

Mr Thomas Hine, (BA Hons), PGCE
Head of English, Year 8 Form Taker, Games, Assistant House Parent

Mrs Amy Jago, BA (Hons), PGCE
Pastoral Lead, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Religious Studies

Mr Henri Kennard, BEd (Hons)
Head of Year 6, Head of French

Miss Annaliese Lochwood, BA (Hons), PGCE

Mrs Jo Maw, BEd (Hons)
Head of Art

Miss Finola Middleton, BEd (Hons), MA
Year 7 Form Taker

Mr Peter Napthine, BSc (Hons), Med, PGCE
Head of IT and Computing, Year 6 Form Taker

Miss Amy Norgrove, BA (Hons), PGCE, MEd(Cantab)
Head of Spanish, Year 6 Form Taker

Mr Jeremy Ottley, BA (Hons), HND
Head of Outdoor Adventure, Leadership & Activities, KS2 Teacher, Games

Mrs Wendy Prior, BSc (Hons), GTP
Year 8 Form Taker

Mrs Dianne Rawlings, BA (Hons), MA
Librarian, Head of Scholars

Miss Elizabeth Redmond, BPhil., MA
Head of Religious Studies, Junior Boarding House Parent, Year 6 Form Taker

Mr Marcus Reeves, BA (Hons), MA
Director of Music

Mr Paul Rist, HND Design & Modelmaking BPCAD, PGCE
Head of Design & Technology (DT)

Mrs Katherine Rockhill, DipRCM (Perf), DipRCM (Teach), PGDipRCM
Assistant Director of Music

Mrs Victoria Rogerson, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Head of Science, Year 8 Form Taker

Mrs Hannah Ross, BA (Hons), PGCE
Year 4 Form Taker, Games

Mr Barry Ruse BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Maths, Games

Miss Felicity Smith, BSc, PGCE
Head of Girls' Games

Mrs Lisa Stone, BA (Hons), PGCE

Mrs Philippa Stratford, MEd (Cantab), BSc (Hons), PGCE
Head of Lower School, Head of Year 4, Year 4 Form Taker, KS2 English Coordinator, Games

Mr Rupert Tapper. BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Latin

Mrs Abigail Watkins, BA (Hons), QTS 
Head of Year 3, Year 3 Form Taker, Forest School Lead

Mr Robert Watson, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Head of Year 7, KS2 Science Coordinator, Games 

Mrs Elizabeth Weager, BA (Hons), PGCE
Music, French, EAL Coordinator

Mr Stuart Whithear, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Head of Geography, Senior Boarding House Parent, Games

Mrs Tonya Whithear, BA
Senior Boarding House Parent

Boarding Assistants

Miss Imogen Edwards
Ms Anna Fowles
Mrs Julie Helsdown
Mrs Julia Redwood-Rowe
Mrs Michelle Wilfort